Lately, my grandma hasn't been doing as great. She was diagnosed with Depression about a year ago and it hasnt been easy for her especially since now that she's struggling with not being as heathly as she once was and her depression has been getting worse. She says things like no one cares about her, and that she wishes she would've just died when she had the stroke. It's painful to hear her talk about those things because she has a bunch of people that really do care and go above and beyond to make sure she would survive.
Last week she had a doctor's appointment with the Neurologist. She freaked out when she found out that she had to go to see him because my grandpa also sees the same doctor and she didn't want to go see the 'crazy doctor'. Once someone finally explained that a neurologist is a brain doctor and both strokes and demetia happen in the brain and that's why she has to see him, she calmed down. I think she's been really stressed out these past few weeks because for a while, she thought she really did have dementia. She was reading a list of symptoms and realized that she has alot of them in common.
My mom and I did some reaserch and came across a few articles about Dementia and Depression having many similarities. So instead of it being early signs of dementia, it could really just be her depression becoming more severe. My grandma is also on a lot of differnt medications that could be contributing to her forgetfulness and her paranoia.
The thing that makes us all unsure that it's only depression alone is that she's been accusing my grandpa of having an affair with the night nurse. We've all tried to tell her that it's not true at all but she still for some reason thinks the young, late-twenties nurse is interested in her over eighty, pees himself husband.
That night nuse put in her two weeks about a week ago because my grandma tried to hit her. Everone's been on edge and extremely stressed because of all the things my grandma has been doing and saying lately. The Neurologists' assesment of the appiontment was that she's still sharp and can recall things when asked. He said that it could possibly be early signs of dementia but gave her Zoloft for now. Hopefully that'll help and my aunt's are supposed to talk to the family doctor about decreasing some of the clshing medications she's been on.
Brooke, Wow--what a detail filled, emotional post. I like how you bounce back and forth from your grandparents' experiences and your research. But how about linking us to the articles you looked up?
ReplyDeleteAnd tell your grandmother: even your English professor has a neurologist (for migraines).